52Cakes is supporting Pathways this week!

Ladies and gentlemen of our Sweet Town,

It’s a beautiful morning, and today we come together as a community to make a difference in the lives of our neighbors. As the saying goes, “but by the grace of God, there go I.” Today, we are proud to announce that 52Cakes is wholeheartedly supporting Pathways this week.

Pathways, as many of you know, is the shining light in our community, providing emergency shelter for men, women, and families facing homelessness right here in Haywood County. Their mission is simple but profound: to offer individualized supportive services to those who need it most, guiding them on their journey from homelessness to a stable, secure home.

But Pathways doesn’t stop there. They go above and beyond, extending a warm, helping hand to anyone in our community by serving a hot, nourishing dinner every single day. And if that weren’t enough, their Holy Cow Food Truck takes their compassion on the road, delivering meals throughout Haywood County, touching the lives of countless individuals and families.

Let’s put some numbers to their incredible impact: on average, Pathways serves seven families and fifty men and women each month with their vital shelter services. They provide approximately 9,000 meals, filling not just bellies but hearts with hope. All of this is made possible by the unwavering support of our community, which funds Pathways entirely.

Pathways is more than just a shelter; they are a lifeline for those in need. They offer essential services like hygiene supplies, food, shelter, laundry, clothing, and so much more, all thanks to your generous gifts and your willingness to stand beside them as partners in this incredible journey.

And guess what? You can do even more! In addition to indulging your sweet tooth with one of our delectable cakes, you can make a direct impact by donating to Pathways via their website. Whether it’s a monetary donation or purchasing items from their needs list, every contribution counts and brings us one step closer to ensuring that no one in our community is left without a roof over their head or a warm meal.

So, let’s come together, Sweet Town, in the spirit of unity and compassion. Let’s support Pathways and their incredible work. Because when we join hands, there’s no challenge too great, no obstacle too high, and no one left behind.

Thank you for being the heart and soul of this wonderful community. Together, we can make a lasting impact, ensuring that the grace of God shines upon us all.